Hey my name is Winny. I have some thoughts on how to get more people and maybe some ideas in the game. Every Friday or something play hide and seek, or fun game were player's can get one iteam(Don't want to make it more then one iteam becuase of the eco). Maybe we can have more thing's like we had last night. If you get two player's you will earn a rare or something. Now this is based on the game purposes. We should have skilling challenges were we can earn money for cutting 500 logs or something. This will get people to skill more and make money. Plus we could also earn titles next to our names like Chopper, Axemen,something. One more thing we should have is prestiging. When we get 99 att, str and def our levels reset and give us one next to our name. This will always keep player's busy with training.( I know when I get to 126 I alway's want to be reset.
The game suggestions are hard and may take sum time but we could get more player's playing this server and be a succesfull server. Thanks for your time-Winny.