Hello, this is Shaun And this is a guide on slayer. Slayer is basic, and so this guide will be pretty short. First of all, you are going to need a task. To get one, talk to Duradel, who can be found east of edgeville (home). Once you have a task, kill the monster you are assigned. Here are some most-common NPC's that you will be assigned. If the task you are given is too hard for you to complete, then simply talk to duradel again and request an easier task.
Rock crabs- These can be found by clicking on your magic tab, then clicking monster teleports, and then clicking on rock crabs.
All monsters in the slayer tower- All monsters in the slayer tower are given as tasks quite often. To get to the slayer tower, click Monster teleport then click Slayer tower. NOTE: Not all of the slayer monsters are on the first floor of the tower, you need to go up by clicking the staircase inside the building.
Dragons- Green and Blue dragons are quite often assigned. Green dragons can be found by clicking Pking teleport and then clicking on Green dragons (lvl 13) or green dragons (lvl 18). Blue dragons can be found within the taverly dungeon, and then clicking on "Squeeze through pipe" shortcut. NOTE: Make sure that you are always wearing an anti-dragon shield or a Dragon-fire shield.
Greater Demons: These NPC's can be found in the Taverly Dungeon as well.
Chaos dwarfs: These NPC's Can also be found in the Taverly Dungeon.
Well that is the most-common NPC's that will be assigned.
That is the end of my slayer guide, And I hope that it is useful! Thanks, Shaun.
Black Demons: I am not quite sure, but I think they are in the Taverly Dungeon.